41 Time, sunny valleys, and energy bursts

No. 41 – 15 September 2023

Welcome to the 41st edition of 4-TP, a weekly newsletter on building resilience, courage, and happiness.


There are 9 crucial and time-honored values to integrate into your life if you want more clarity on your decisions and actions.

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I may not reach the heights I seek,
My untried strength may fail me;
Or, half-way up the mountain peak,
Fierce tempests may assail me.
But though that place I never gain,
Herein lies comfort for my pain—
I will be worthy of it.

I may not triumph in success,
Despite my earnest labor;
I may not grasp results that bless
The efforts of my neighbor;
But though my goal I never see
This thought shall always dwell with me—
I will be worthy of it.

The golden glory of Love's light
May never fall on my way;
My path may always lead through night,
Like some deserted by-way;
But though life's dearest joy I miss
There lies a nameless strength in this—
I will be worthy of it.

— Source: I Will be Worthy of It by Ella Wheeler Wilcox


Happiness is a byproduct of adversity. The more you expose yourself to it, the happier and stronger you become. The less you do it, the more anxious you become.

“Trees that have grown in a sunny valley lack strength." Seneca


Life can be like a series of sprints and marathons.

Sometimes, commitments require consistent effort. Other times, they require bursts of energy followed by recovery.

The issue is that we tend to keep pushing without proper rest and recovery.

Which of your tasks need sustained energy and which ones need short bursts? And what sort of activities actually work to help you recover and rejuvenate?

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Till next week,
— Carlos & Stef


42 Connections, energy, and stress


40 Anger, gaining time, and teamwork