75 How to revel in the journey and forget outcomes

No. 75 – 12 May 2024

Welcome to the 75th edition of the True Progress Newsletter, a weekly newsletter on mastering fear and anxiety for optimal performance.

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Last week, we gave two trainings for law students, graduate and PhD students, and post-docs at Stetson University College of Law and the University of South Florida. It was a great turnout and lots of good questions.

And not surprisingly, their questions had a common theme—fear of judgment:

  • How do you stop caring what people think of you without coming off as a jerk?

  • How do you get over the fear of humiliating yourself in front of your peers and coworkers?

  • How do you stop overthinking and overpreparing?



Anxiety keeps pace with hope, through looking into the future—projecting your thoughts far ahead instead of living in the present moment.

Challenge is the antidote to living for the future. Because it makes you feel alive, invigorated, and excited after doing it enough times, challenge shifts your focus to being in the present moment. To the process and the journey. That's living.


“Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

— Howard Thurman


Neuroscience and brain-imaging research shows that properly naming an emotion is critical to managing and taming it.

Here's 1 to explore:


Definition | Feeling or showing satisfaction with one's possessions, status, or situation.

Example | She felt peaceful and contented.

Origin | Late Middle English: via Old French from Latin contentus ‘satisfied’, past participle of continere.


When was the last time you felt truly energized, invigorated, or fully alive? If you can't remember, what activities would evoke those emotions for you?

Pick one and go do it.

Reply to this email and let us know how it went.


One of our clients is an entrepreneur and safety manager. He wanted to level up his career and become a leader but his low confidence was holding him back.

In just six weeks, we redirected his purpose, boosted his physical energy, and helped him break out of his shell using action and building proof of his capabilities.

He went through an intense series of three interviews and got the job he wanted.

Here's how we did it:

  • We helped him build some fundamental, rock-solid discipline.

  • We built his north star. Purpose, direction, clarity.

  • We built his emotional strength. He learned to use key protocols at the right time during live challenges.

  • Finally, we made sure it was simple and easy for his busy schedule and we kept him accountable during the entire process.

This client is an example of what showing up and putting in the work means. He already had it in him. We just helped him unlock it.

Now it's time to put the icing on the cake— his communication and charisma.

Till next week,
— Carlos & Stef


76 How to stop regretting poor decisions


74 How to turn fear into your best friend