20 Trust, humiliation, and seeing weakness

No. 20 – 21 April 2023

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TPL Article

Renowned FBI lead international kidnapping negotiator Chris Voss uses this one technique to building strong relationships.

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Seneca, on being resilient:

"In time, when they have decided not to struggle against but to bear them, they learn from necessity to endure with fortitude, and from habit to endure with ease. In any situation in life you will find delights and relaxations and pleasures if you are prepared to make light of your troubles and not let them distress you."


Fear of being humiliated stops us from taking risks because we don't want to fail.

But the more exposure to the emotion, the more comfortable we become with it.

Make a short list of situations you fear will leave you feeling humiliated. Pick one from your list and expose yourself to it.


Accepting our weaknesses is difficult because it can bruise the ego, but the sooner we acknowledge and start working on them, the more confident and successful we become.

What's a significant weakness you've been hesitant to acknowledge and has affected different aspects of your life?

Till next week,
— Carlos & Stef


21 Emotional fog, perception and molehills


19 Clear thinking, disliked, and ignorance